You CAN have it all...

Happy Tuesday loves,

Since returning home from my Mastermind retreat, so many of you have asked what my biggest takeaway or ah-ha moment was and boy I am ready to share! 

Here it is........You CAN have it all

You don't have to choose family OR business, you actually CAN have it all.

On the last day of the retreat I shared with my sisters that I had this realization BIG time.

I shared about when I almost quit my business July 4th after feeling so overwhelmed as a new mama.

In that moment I wasn't sure I could do the whole business and mama thing and do it well.

But something told me to keep on going.

I realized I kept comparing my past success to my present success. I would look at how big my business had grown to right before I got pregnant. I was making an impact and also making multiple five figure months.

And then morning sickness hit, my bundle of joy arrived and I felt like I was starting from ground zero.

I really doubted I would even be able to get back to where I once was. Again, I was comparing my past success to my future blessings. Not good ladies!

Then I learned to surrender.

To embrace mamahood and just do what I could in my business with the little bits of time I'd get.

I got used to having baby home sick with me and learned how to work smarter not harder with my teeny bits of time.

Then the ah-ha moment came at the retreat. January was my best month EVER in business. And actually just about double of my best months prior to pregnancy.



When you put your mind to something, set the intention, do the work, surrender to God and detach from the outcome, BIG things can happen.

What is that big thing you want to make happen this year? Success is 90% mindset. It takes focus and determination to make things happen and pick yourself back up when things feel hard.

I'd love to support you in making these things happen in 2018! I still have space for YOU in my March Mastermind. Six lovely ladies who already joined are waiting to welcome you in with open arms. There is no fancy sales page or marketing gimmicks to join this program. I know the right women will make their way in. If this feels like you, fill out THIS application so we can get the conversation started and I can send you some more details about how this will all work and how we can make some big things happen in 2018!!

Make sure to head on over to my YouTube channel to check out the video I did on this topic as well! 

Love you Confident Lady--Can't wait to support you.

XO Kate

PS How precious is this photo of the REAL BOSS of my business from the retreat?!
