Why You Can't Do It Alone

Hey Confident Ladies!

This week we are talking about COMMUNITY.  At the end of the week I will be on a plane on my way to my Mastermind retreat. #FUNHEREWECOME This got me thinking about the importance of community and why I am excited to share my insights with you today!

First I want to ask you a few questions:

// How are you currently supported in your business?

// Do you have accountability?

// Do you have a biz-bestie?

// Do you have a mentor holding up a mirror for you?

This is a hard enough journey as it is my friend and why I see community and sisterhood as a crucial part of my business and personal growth. We are not meant to work alone. I don't know about you, but I need to bounce ideas off of others and have someone call me out when needed. 

I want to share a some bullets on why it's SO IMPORTANT to have support in your business:

  1. It is CRUCIAL that you have someone to call you out and hold a mirror up to you to shine a light on the things you don't see in yourself and the goals that might feel just a little too far away.
  2. Ever hear this quote--"you are most like the 5 people you spend the most time with"?  Make sure these are people who will push, challenge, encourage, and be by your side as you grow.
  3. Life is so much easier when you receive validation from others such as “I’ve been through that before myself and this is how I got through it”.
  4. Everyone’s got something to offer! We EACH have special gifts and talents. We each have different life experience that has shaped us with a different perspective. Being in masterminds myself, I have learned running a business through a different lens as many of the other women had businesses and zones of genius different from mine.

I've gotta say that some of the very closest friendships created have been through different group programs and Mastermind programs I've been in. I've learned myself that the more that I give in those groups, the more I receive. The more I participate, the greater my business grows. It's all about showing up right? Even when there are days you don't have questions or anything to say, just being there to listen will provide infinite value.

As many of you know I've been working on writing a book and without the accountability of the program I've been in, it wouldn't have gotten done. When I see the other ladies wins, it pushes me to keep on going and push forward and vice versa. 

How supported do you feel? Do you need someone to help dream a little bigger for you? Someone to hold a mirror up to the truth and how the grander vision they see for you? I want to invite you to fill out this application to hop on a Breakthrough Call with me to talk about the Mastermind I am launching for March 1st!! I already have four ladies enrolled and would love to chat with you to hear about your big sparkly 2018 goals!

Are you ready to get uncomfortable and go for what you know will take you to that place where you can make the biggest impact on your clients and most importantly yourself + family? If so do yourself a favor and fill this out. The next 6 months working together could be what you need to finally make that BIG change in your life + business.

Love ya lady!
