Episode #95: You're gonna want to quit (The Hard Truth Part 4)

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On this episode of The Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we continue with part four of our four-part series called “The Hard Truth.” Throughout the series, Kate shares four hard truths that no one wants to tell you in the business industry and then reframes those beliefs that actually aren’t true. 

In this episode, Kate covers the hard truth that you’re gonna want to quit. She shares where avoidance of this truth can lead you, and four ways you can flip this belief so that you quit feeling isolated and unsure, and begin moving forward to find success in your business.

No one is exempt from wanting to quit. Even the most successful people want to quit sometimes, but that doesn’t mean they are any less successful. And the same goes for you, friend!

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • What believing this lie will do to you and your business

  • Where avoidance of this truth will keep you

  • Four ways you can flip this belief so that you quit feeling isolated and unsure, and you can move forward to find success in your business.

Words of Wisdom: 

-- No one is exempt from wanting to quit.

-- Each new level, new devil.

-- The best way to find success quickly in your business is to not look at anyone else.

-- Even the most successful people want to quit. 

-- What you believe is what will happen. 

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

This episode is sponsored by Faith Counseling. Sign up using my link to get 10% off your first month here: faithfulcounseling.com/katecrocco

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Today Kate shares the hard truth of wanting to quit when running a business. Even the most successful people want to quit sometimes, but that doesn’t mean they are any less successful in business. And the same goes for you, friend! Listen now for en…

Episode #94: You Will Lose Friends and Annoy People (The Hard Truth Part 3)

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On this episode of The Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we continue with part three of our four-part series called “The Hard Truth.” Throughout the series, Kate shares four hard truths that no one wants to tell you in the business industry and then reframes those beliefs that actually aren’t true. 

In this episode, Kate covers the hard truth that you will lose friends and annoy people. She shares where avoidance of this truth can lead you, and four ways you can flip this belief so that you can be unapologetic in your beliefs, come to terms when you annoy and potentially lose friends, and be open to making space to gain new ones who will love you even more.

When we’re trying to please everyone, we in turn please no one. We have to speak our truth and say what we believe, and it’s really okay if we lose friends and annoy people along the way, because the right people are waiting for us!

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • What believing this statement will do to you and your business

  • Where avoidance of this truth will keep you

  • Four ways you can flip this belief so that you can be unapologetic in your beliefs, come to terms when you lose friends, and open to gaining new ones.

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Trying to please everyone will in turn please no one.

-- Friends are there for seasons when we learn from one another, but not always for forever. And that’s okay.

-- The more people you lose or turn off, the more space you have to invite people in who are truly your people.

-- It’s okay if you lose friends and annoy people along the way, because the right people are waiting for you!

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

This episode is sponsored by Faith Counseling. Sign up using my link to get 10% off your first month here: faithfulcounseling.com/katecrocco

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

In this podcast episode Kate Crocco discusses the hard truth of losing firends and annoying people when you're an entrepreneur. She shares where avoidance of this truth can lead you, and four ways you can flip this belief so that you can be unapolog…

Episode #93: You Will Need to Make Massive Sacrifices (The Hard Truth Part 2)

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On this episode of The Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we continue with part two of our four-part series called “The Hard Truth.” Throughout the series, Kate shares four hard truths that no one wants to tell you in the business industry and then reframes those beliefs that actually aren’t true. 

In this episode, Kate covers the hard truth that you will need to make massive sacrifices. She shares where avoidance of this truth can lead you, and three ways you can flip this belief so that you can make sacrifices, move forward, and grow your business.

So many people say, “If your business isn’t easy, you’re doing something wrong.” Yes, it can be easy, but it can’t be easy overnight. First you have to make massive sacrifices in order to get to a place where you can allow ease and flow to come in.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • What believing this statement will do to you and your business

  • Where avoidance of this truth will keep you

  • Three ways you can flip this belief so that you can make sacrifices, move forward, and grow your business.

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Business can be easy, but it can’t be easy overnight. 

-- Sacrifice is short term.

-- You’re doing a disservice to yourself and other people because you’re not making sacrifices.

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

This episode is sponsored by Faith Counseling. Sign up using my link to get 10% off your first month here: faithfulcounseling.com/katecrocco

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!


Episode #92: There is NO Fast Track to Success (The Hard Truth Part 1)

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On this episode of The Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we are kicking off a brand new series called “The Hard Truth.” Throughout the series, Kate shares four hard truths that no one wants to tell you in the business industry and then, reframes those beliefs that actually aren’t true. 

In this episode, Kate covers the hard truth that there is no fast track to success. She shares what believing this lie will do to you, and four ways you can flip this belief so that you can move forward and grow your business.

No one can do the work for you. There’s not a magic pill or a magic coach that can put you on the fast track to success. And the beautiful thing is: when you do the work, you get to celebrate that you got the result for yourself. 

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • Why most people believe this lie

  • What believing this lie will do to you and your business

  • Where this lie will keep you

  • And then four ways you can flip this belief so that you can move forward and thrive in  your business

Words of Wisdom: 

-- The hard truth is, there is no fast track to success.

-- It’s not if it will happen, but when it will happen.

-- All good things take time.

-- The hard truth is, no one can do the work for you.

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Connect with Kate!


Episode #91: Being a “No” Girl (Momming Like a Boss Part 4)

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On this episode of The Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we continue with the final part of our four-part series called “Momming Like a Boss.” Throughout the series, Kate has shared what it’s like being a mom while running a business, some of the struggles she has experienced, and what she’s figured out along the way (and is still learning). 

In this episode, Kate talks about the importance of setting boundaries and the powerful two letter word: N-O. She shares why you need to say no, how to say no, and three extra tips you need to know as you become a “no” girl.

One thing to keep in mind, saying no doesn’t have to be final, it might just mean “not right now”. We have to release the guilt, release the FOMO, and get quiet enough to focus on what’s aligned for us. 

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • Why you need to say no

  • How to say no

  • The importance of setting boundaries

  • How to release FOMO

  • 3 tips you need to remember as you become a “no” girl

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Every time I say yes to someone, I’m saying no to my family.

-- It’s not selfish to pursue our dreams.

-- We can’t live life from a place of FOMO because we’re not really living, then.

-- If they don’t understand why you said no, they’re not your people.

-- What’s for you, will always be for you.

-- Saying no may not always mean no, it might just mean not right now.

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores!

Check out the other episodes in this series:

Connect with Kate!

In this episode, Kate talks about the importance of setting boundaries and the powerful two letter word: N-O. She shares why you need to say no, how to say no, and three extra tips you need to know as you become a “no” girl. | How to set boundaries …

Episode #90: Simplifying Your Business (Momming Like a Boss Part 3)

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On this episode of The Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we continue with part three of our four-part series called “Momming Like a Boss.” Throughout the series, Kate is sharing what it’s like being a mom while running a business, some of the struggles she has experienced, and what she’s figured out along the way (and is still learning). 

In this episode, Kate talks about the importance of simplifying your business and creating a life outside of it, in order to take your business to the next level. She shares six questions to ask yourself to identify ways you can simplify your business, and operate from a place of alignment.

We are taking the lead and we are creating a life that we love that our business can be a part of. Not a business we love that our life can be a part of, but a business that we love that feels fulfilling.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • How to be super intentional with your time, and why it’s so valuable

  • 6 questions you can ask yourself to help simplify your business

  • A sneak peek into what Kate’s next book, her workbook, will focus on

  • How to create the biggest impact with the time you have

Words of Wisdom: 

-- If you want to get to that next place in your business, you have to simplify.

-- If we want to be successful, we also need a life outside of our business.

-- It’s important that we make sure our businesses are not running us.

-- We are taking the lead and we are creating a life that we love that our business can be a part of. Not a business we love that our life can be a part of, but a business that we love that feels fulfilling. 

-- In order for you to do more of what lights you up, you need to do less of something else. We can’t just add more.

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Check out the other episodes in this series:

Connect with Kate!

There is no denying that running a success business while being a mom is hard work. Finding fulfillment in doing both is where success lies. In this episode, Kate talks about the importance of simplifying your business and creating a life outside of…

Episode #89: Accepting Help (Momming Like a Boss Part 2)

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This week on The Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we continue with part two of our four-part series called “Momming Like a Boss.” Throughout the series, Kate is sharing what it’s like being a mom while running a business, some of the struggles she has experienced, and what she’s figured out along the way (and is still learning). 

In this episode, Kate covers the importance of accepting help, and how to overcome the lie of having to do it all. She shares three areas of accepting help that will help you drop the guilt, step into freedom, and show up as the best mom and entrepreneur you can be.

The lie of having to do it all is powerful. We often resist asking for help, believing it to be a sign of weakness, when in truth, it’s simply a way to step into freedom and become stronger in every area of life.

Did you hear? This show is now sponsored by an INCREDIBLE tool for tackling anxiety and uncertainty. Our friends over at Faithful Counseling are offering each of you 10% off your first month! https://www.faithfulcounseling.com/katecrocco)

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • Three areas of accepting help that will allow you to show up as the best mom and entrepreneur you can be.

  • How to overcome the lie that you have to do it all.

  • Three tangible ways to step into freedom.

  • How to get support with your mental health with Faithful Counseling and receive 10% off your first month! (https://www.faithfulcounseling.com/katecrocco)

Words of Wisdom: 

-- The only way people achieve things in life is by asking for help and receiving help.

-- Strong people ask for help.

-- “The lie of having to do it all is powerful. We often resist asking for help, believing it to be a sign of weakness, when in truth, it’s simply a way to step into freedom and become stronger in every area of life.” (Excerpt from Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success)

--  It’s not selfish to want to make money in your business.

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Check out the other episodes in this series:

Connect with Kate!


Episode #88: Putting Your Dreams on Hold (Momming Like A Boss Part 1)

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On this episode of The Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we are kicking off a brand new series called “Momming Like a Boss.” Throughout the series, Kate is sharing what it’s like being a mom while running a business, some of the struggles she has experienced, and what she’s figured out along the way (and is still learning). 

In this episode, Kate covers putting your dreams on hold and the beauty that is birthed out of it. She shares three simple shifts that will help you move forward and start living a more abundant life, free from scarcity.

Kate often gets asked, “How do you juggle it all?” and “Can I really do it, too?” The answer is: YES, but you have to put some dreams on hold. You can’t do it all right now. You can have a business and you can be a mom, but your expectations have to shift.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • Kate’s transition from being an entrepreneur to being a mom

  • Why you need to release your scarcity mindset

  • How your expectations have to shift as a mom

  • What happens when you try to do it all

  • 3 shifts that will help you move forward and start living a more abundant life

Words of Wisdom: 

-- You can’t do it all if you want to do it well.

-- You have to release the scarcity mindset that says you have to race to get things done.

-- You can have a business and you can be a mom, but your expectations have to shift. 

-- When you try to do it all, you’re extending the timeline of your results. 

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Connect with Kate!


Episode #87: Consistency (The Six Pillars of Visibility Part 4)

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This week on the Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we continue with part four of our four-part series covering the importance of visibility in your business. Throughout the series, Kate is sharing the top six pillars that she teaches her clients. These are the most important areas you need to focus on to maintain visibility, create consistent leads in your business, and make a greater impact.

In this episode, Kate talks about the sixth and final pillar - consistency. Consistency is what separates the winners from the dreamers.The people who keep going when it’s not fun, when they’re only hearing crickets, even when it feels like you’re not getting anywhere are the ones who succeed. You have to either commit to your business 100%, or you have to quit. There is no middle ground.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • (2:20) Why consistency is so important in your business

  • (4:25) The reality of what your 100% will look like over the course of your business

  • (5:53) A story that illustrates the power of committing to new habits

  • (10:30) Three questions to help you get clear and honest about your consistency

  • (15:05) A note about comparison

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Consistency separates the winners from the dreamers 

-- The more you show up in your business every day, the easier it gets

-- Stop comparing yourself today to your past self

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #86: Leading With Value (The Six Pillars of Visibility Part 3)

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This week on the Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we continue with part three of our four-part series covering the importance of visibility in your business. Throughout the series, Kate is sharing the top six pillars that she teaches her clients. These are the most important areas you need to focus on to maintain visibility, make a greater impact, and create consistent leads in your business. 

In this episode, Kate dives into pillar number five and shares her top three tips for leading with value in your business.

Leading with value was something Kate uncovered early on in her own business. She saw a trend where the more she gave, the more she received by way of new clients, referrals, a better understanding of her ideal client, and confidence. If we want to grow our businesses, we cannot hold back what we have to give.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • (2:40) The first way to give more value in your business

  • (4:55) The second way to give more value

  • (7:52) What happens when we hold back with our value

  • (9:39) Ideas for sharing valuable content and resources

  • (12:49) The third way, plus a question to ask to give more value

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Open hands to give are always open hands to receive

-- The more you share, the more people feel like they can trust you

-- Ask, “How can I serve you?”

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #85: Confidence + Connection (The Six Pillars of Visibility Part 2)

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This week on the Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we continue with part two of our four-part series covering the importance of visibility in your business. Throughout the series, Kate is sharing the six pillars she teaches her clients. These are the most important areas you need to focus on to maintain visibility, make a greater impact, and create consistent leads in your business.

In this episode, Kate talks about the third and fourth pillars of visibility – confidence + connection/relationship building. She shares exactly how to build the confidence to show up and dive into fear, as well as three tips for building real connections with others.

The idea that you are born with confidence is a misconception. Nobody is confident in every part of their life, so we need to work on it like a muscle in the areas that are not our strongest. And when it comes to building relationships, it really is about getting to know people on a human level first, before talking about your business.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • (1:52) How to increase your confidence

  • (3:00) How Kate built confidence with showing up in her online business

  • (6:09) The skill of Opposite Action

  • (8:39) A challenge to build your confidence 

  • (9:12) Three easy tips for connection/building relationships

  • (15:20) Weekly check-in questions to ask yourself around the first four pillars

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Nobody is born with confidence

-- The only way to build your confidence is through consistency

-- Growing your business is growing relationships

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores!

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #84: Mindset + Visibility (The Six Pillars of Visibility Part 1)

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This week on the Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we are kicking off part one of a new series covering the importance of  visibility in your business. Throughout the series, Kate is sharing  the six pillars she teaches her clients. These are the most important areas you need to focus on to  maintain visibility, make a greater impact, and create consistent  leads in your business. 

In this episode, Kate covers the first two pillars of visibility – visibility itself + mindset. She shares why they’re important and offers questions you can ask yourself to start examining where you are at in your business with these pillars right now.

If you’re not out there sharing, showing up, and staying top of mind for people, people will not know or remember that you are open for business.  It’s crucial that we remain present in our businesses, consistently showing up, rather than tied up in fears from our past or in the overwhelm of the future.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • (1:19) How to use these pillars in your business

  • (4:14) The reasons why visibility is important

  • (9:04) The power of consistency in your business

  • (12:14) Pillar #2 and the most important thing with mindset

  • (14:58) Five questions to ask yourself about the stories in your head

Words of Wisdom: 

-- No visibility = no business

-- If you don’t show up, how are they going to trust you?

-- What we tell ourselves is our reality

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores!

Connect with Kate!

Episode #83: The number three person you need to set boundaries with (Boundaries Like a Boss Part 4)

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This week on the Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we are continuing with part four of our four part series on Boundaries Like a Boss. After listening to Episode #81 and #82, we know we need to set boundaries with ourselves, friends, and family. We conclude this series with the number three person to set boundaries with - clients, potential clients, and strangers on the internet. 

If we want to show up at our highest level in our businesses, we need to protect our energy. When we feel burned out, we’re not as confident and it’s hard to stay on top of our game. Our time (and our family’s time) is precious, so we need to learn to be selective about what we fill it with. Also,  when we hold tight to our  boundaries, we are modeling good leadership for our clients as well.

In this episode, Kate talks about the top three reasons you need to set these boundaries, four ways to protect your energy, and how to not tie your worth to your clients’ success.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • (2:00) The top three reasons why we need boundaries with clients and people on the internet

  • (8:50) Four easy ways to set limits that protect your energy

  • (10:50) What Kate’s email autoresponder looks like

  • (16:40) The benefits of having a resource page

  • (20:21) How and why to remind clients where their success comes from

  • (23:53) How these boundaries will save you time

Words of Wisdom: 

-- You can always change and shift your boundaries

-- Your clients create their own success

-- Invest the time into boundaries NOW so life is EASIER later

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores!

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #82: The number two person you need to set boundaries with (Boundaries Like a Boss Part 3)

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This week on the Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we are continuing with part three of our four part series on Boundaries Like a Boss. After listening to Episode #81, we know the number one person we need to set boundaries with is ourselves. Now, we’re talking about the number two person (or people) - your friends and family. 

Kate has said it before, but boundaries are healthy, even if other people don’t see it. You aren’t trying to be the bad guy when you do this out of love. And just because you set a boundary with the people you love most doesn’t mean you are selfish or that you don’t care about them.  Remember that.

In this episode, Kate offers questions to ask yourself about how these boundaries look in your life, how unhealthy people impact your business and mindset, and tips on how to set your strongest boundaries yet.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • (2:57) Examples of boundaries for friends and family

  • (6:15) How boundaries help us show up as our best selves

  • (7:00) Questions to ask yourself about your boundaries

  • (10:00) Why cutting people off is sometimes the answer

  • (12:15) Dealing with manipulative people

  • (17:47) Three tips for setting boundaries with people close to you

  • (20:43) How drama and oversteppers will detour you from your mission

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Setting boundaries doesn’t make you selfish.

-- Our businesses are as healthy as our mindset.

-- Stop explaining yourself and your boundaries.

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #81: The number one person you need to set boundaries with (Boundaries Like a Boss Part 2)

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This week on the Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we are continuing with part two of our four part series on Boundaries Like a Boss. There is one person in particular you need to set boundaries with first, and that is yourself. Many of us think setting boundaries means laying down a line for other people not to cross. But the funny thing is, we actually cross our own boundaries more often than others do. 

We often become bitter and frustrated with others, when really, we never set solid boundaries with ourselves from the start. It’s scary and uncomfortable to set them, let alone nurture them as we go through life. But hear me out, once you begin to pay attention to your intuition around your boundaries, they become easier to put in place.

In this episode, Kate talks about why it’s important we don’t cross our own boundaries, why we do it in the first place,and offers specific ways we can become more aware of our own boundaries - and stick to them.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • (1:40) What’s really happening when we think people are taking advantage of us

  • (2:10) Top two observations about boundaries

  • (6:23) Examples of clients crossing their own boundaries

  • (8:56) Three ways to become aware of and stick to your boundaries

  • (14:00) Next week: The second person you need to set boundaries with

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Healthy boundaries with others begin with healthy boundaries with me.

-- Boundaries are all about self-awareness and self-trust.

-- Drop the guilt.

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

If you’re ready to build a thriving business without sacrificing your life, join me in the Thinking Like a Boss Mastermind. It’s possible for you to thrive both in business and in life - let me show you how. Learn more and apply today!

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #80: The Importance of Setting Boundaries (Boundaries Like a Boss Part 1)

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This week on the podcast, we are kicking off part one of a new series: Boundaries Like a Boss. One thing to hold onto throughout this series is that boundaries equal love.  And once you are able to understand and set boundaries, you can show up better for yourself and the people around you, creating safety for everyone. In this episode, Kate shares why we need them, why we don’t like them, and how to get started with setting the ones you need most in your life. 

In order to find true success in your relationships and in your business, you need to be really good at setting boundaries. And to do this, you need to know yourself well and what your limits are. Once you do, you can show up better for yourself and the people around you, creating a safe environment for everyone. 

In this episode, Kate shares why we need boundaries, why we don’t like them, and how to get started with setting the ones you need most in your life.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • (2:06) What are boundaries and why we need them

  • (3:55) How boundaries create safety in relationships

  • (6:55) How boundaries help avoid future confrontation

  • (8:54) Why we need to be clear about our priorities and desires

  • (9:52) Boundaries create greater success

  • (11:04) Boundaries save us time

  • (12:35) Why we don’t like boundaries 

  • (16:48) Where to start with setting boundaries

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Why are you avoiding boundaries?

  • How would your life be different if you weren’t avoiding a certain boundary?

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Boundaries = love

-- Boundaries amplify your success

-- Do not be afraid to offend someone with your boundaries

For more on this topic, check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Connect with Kate!


Episode #79: How To Write a Book (Part Four)

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You have the book… Now what?

This week, we are continuing with part four of our 4-part series, discussing what others won’t tell you about the book writing process. Now that the book writing is complete, we’re going to talk all things marketing and launching. In this episode Kate shares all the ins and outs of publishing her first book.

She shares the nitty gritty details of what went into her marketing strategy, from podcast pitching, launch teams, planning a launch event, plus the marketing component that helped get the word out more than anything else! You’ll also hear why she chose not to do a book tour.Tune in to get the full scoop!

Kate’s main message here is to trust the process and not to rush through it. This is your book, and the timing of everything should feel right for you.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • (3:16) Why you don’t want to start marketing your book too far in advance

  • (4:27) The two things I planned six months before the publishing date

  • (8:26) How we released sample chapters

  • (10:45) Promoting the book through podcasts

  • (14:39) Freebies we offered with preorders

  • (18:29) The thing that helped get the word out the most

  • (27:00) Kate’s honest thoughts on not rushing the process

  • (31:15) Details on launch party planning

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Don’t start marketing too far in advance.

-- Do what you can do, but don’t go beyond your means.

-- Trust the process and believe that you are qualified.

For more on this topic, check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #78: How To Write a Book (Part Three)

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You have the deal… Now what?

In part three of our How to Write a Book series, Kate continues to pull back the curtain on the book writing process, this time around actually writing the book itself. Now that you have your proposal written, you’ve acquired a literary agent, and you’ve signed a book deal with a publisher, it’s time to bring your story and message to life!

 Kate shares the behind the scenes of her timeline and some of the hurdles she faced while writing Thinking Like a Boss. She shares her top five tips that helped her manage her time and meet deadlines, since the writing and editing process is a full-time job on its own! Tune in and take notes so you can create a writing schedule that works for you, too!

Remember this: There is no right or wrong way to actually write the book – there is only the way that works best for you!

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • (2:00) Kate’s timeline for writing after signing her contract

  • (3:55) The reality of the editing process

  • (6:55) Top 5 tips that helped Kate with the actual writing process

  • (16:00) Dealing with endless edits and constructive criticism

  • (20:07) Kate teases her third book  

  • (23:35) Kate’s new behind-the-scenes Instagram account!

Words of Wisdom: 

-- My biggest tip while writing: no editing yourself until you’re done!

-- Don’t force it.

-- Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

For more on this topic, check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #77: How To Write a Book (Part Two)

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You have the proposal… Now what?

This week, we are continuing with part two of our 4-part series, discussing what others won’t tell you about the book writing process. Now that you have your proposal written, Kate will share what to do next, including the process of acquiring a literary agent and then pitching your idea to publishers.

Honestly, the proposal is the hardest part of this whole process, being the most time-consuming part of the puzzle. While the other parts are difficult mentally in terms of hearing the word “no” and having your work critiqued, there are many details involved in the proposal, including sample chapters and creating a full marketing plan. But here is the good news friend,  once you have the proposal out of the way, the rest of it is all mindset (which I know you are a rockstar at!!).

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • (1:32) The reason why most people don’t get book deals

  • (4:30) How to research literary agents

  • (11:30) Getting your proposal to these agents

  • (12:50) Kate’s next book

  • (16:00) Query letters and how long it might take to hear back from an agent

  • (19:05) Signing with your agent & reworking the proposal together

  • (23:00) How to decide which publishing house to sign with

Words of Wisdom: 

-- The sale is always in the follow-up.

-- Go with the person who sees your vision.

-- Keep believing it’s all going to work out.

For more on this topic, check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #76: How To Write a Book (Part One)

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You have the idea to write a book… Now what?

Just start writing. It doesn’t need to be a formal outline or structured pages. Just start writing what is on your heart then start to look for themes that will form your ideas and outlines later. 

Write while it is raw, while you are experiencing the pain. You want the passion of the pain to be felt in your work. And remember, no book is published immediately, you will potentially have YEARS to process what you begin writing about.

Questions to ask yourself: 

  • What is your purpose for writing this book? Is it to be understood, be heard, to make an impact, to leave a legacy or to make money?

    • If your purpose is to make money then RUN. But, if your purpose is because you have a passion to write and to share your experiences with other people, to make an impact and leave a legacy, then WRITE.

  • Are you willing to pour months, possibly years, with no tangible results? Maybe not even a book deal. If:

    • YES - then do it (traditional publishing)!

    • NO - Go down the self-publishing route.

  • Are you ready to be majorly critiqued and rejected?

  • Are you willing to invest in help or create a lot of research time in your schedule?

  • Are you attached to the outcome?

    • You have to release the attachment to the outcome.

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Release your attachment to the outcome.

-- Don’t hold back, just write. 

-- Do not attach your worth to a book deal. 

Check out my new book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Head HERE to take the quiz mentioned in the episode.

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