Episode #75: Thriving During Trying Seasons [Part Four]

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Questions to ask yourself weekly:

  • What is this teaching me right now?

  • How will this serve me in the future?

Growing Your Business While Social Distancing

  1. First, remember you are safe at home, not stuck at home and practice gratitude

  2. Remember business equals relationship building

  3. How can I be social right now to grow my business? Here are some examples: Participate in Giveaways, Telesummits, Course Bundles, Interview series via Instagram/Facebook live, create a Masterclass you can share with others, and the list goes on!

  4. How can I cultivate relationships and lay a foundation today for future opportunities?

Words of Wisdom:

-- Count your blessings that you ARE able to work from home!

-- When you link arms with others you are opening up additional ways to grow your tribe

-- Build relationships now that can also serve you in the future 

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

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Episode #74: Thriving During Trying Seasons [Part Three]

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Questions to ask yourself weekly:

  • What is this teaching me right now?

  • How will this serve me in the future?

Why Alignment is Important in Business:

  1. It saves us time and money

  2. It keeps us focused on what’s important

  3. It helps us better serve our people

  4. It helps us actually feel more fulfilled

  5. When you are all of the above, saving time, feeling focused, serving your people and feeling more fulfilled you are naturally going to make more money in your business

4 Steps to Help You Recalibrate and Get Back into Alignment

  1. Go back to where you started

    • What were those things I really loved?

    • Check out my book Thinking Like a Boss for a visualization exercise to help you with this! Grab your copy on Amazon. If you have the book, check out the intro chapter for this exercise

  2. Think about the people that you serve as your family or close friends

    • How do you want your people to walk away?

    • How can you begin to create this experience for your clients?

    • How can you really start to show that you care about them, not look at them as just another number?

  3. What can you cut out of your life and business to better show up and serve as yourself to create a greater impact?

    • What do you feel called to offer?

  4. Don’t stop your personal development. Pour time into yourself right now. This is your time to really get to know yourself in a deeper way.

    • What can you learn about yourself?

Questions for this week:

  • Is what I’m doing actually in alignment?

  • How will I get started on these steps?

  • How will I recalibrate my thoughts and intentions to better show up for only what is in alignment to better serve my audience, to feel more fulfilled, to save time, make more money, and most of all, to make a greater impact in this world?

Words of Wisdom:

-- This trying season will serve you if you allow it to serve you

-- Your business is as healthy as your mindset

-- Healthy Minds = Healthy Business, Healthy Businesses = Healthy Minds

-- The more self-aware you have the more of service you can be

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

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Episode #73: Thriving During Trying Seasons [Part Two]

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Let’s chat about how to work from home with littles and thrive during this trying season.

First, let’s take a minute to breathe and tell yourself:

I can do this

I will figure this out

I am resourceful

I have done hard things before

I have adapted in the past

I will adapt again 

I will not fail, but find opportunity in the situation

I will move forward

Tangible Steps to make this work: 

  • Accept that this is different

  • Start finding a way to do your work during the time you can show up your best

    • How can I make this work for me?

    • Am I a night owl or an early bird? Where can I show up my best? When is my mind the clearest? 

  • Give yourself an incentive to really want to work

  • Figure out what work is essential

    • What are the things you 100% cannot do with others around you?

    • And then, what can I do in my business while it is chaotic?

  • Listen to podcasts, workshops, or webinars to continue to develop your business skills while playing with kiddos

  • Write out tasks, outlines and to-do’s while the kids are doing crafts

  • Read as much as you can

  • Lastly, you CAN do this! 

Questions to ask yourself weekly:

  • What is this teaching me right now?

  • How will this serve me in the future?

Words of Wisdom: 

  • Fill your mind with positive words and thoughts

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

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Episode #72: Thriving During Trying Seasons [Part One]

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Let’s chat about adjusting your sales and pivoting your business in order to thrive during this trying season.

Questions to ask yourself: 

  • What has been working for me in my business?

  • What has changed? 

    • What am I unable to do today?

  • How can I shift?

  • What is really essential in my business?

    • What can I cut out?

    • What can I start to put my focus on?

  • Where am I financially?

    • What do my people really need right now?

    • What can they afford right now?

  • How can I diversify my business?

    • How can I start to look for additional streams of income?

  • How can I be super creative during this time?

    • How can I make the most of this time and set myself up for success in the future?

  • What are the things on my bucket list?

    • What have I been putting off? or What have I always wanted more time to do?

Questions to ask yourself weekly:

  • What is this teaching me right now?

  • How will this serve me in the future?

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Episode #71: The Top Four Beliefs to Ditch in Order to Step into Greatness (Part Four)

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The Lie: It’s already been done before

The Truth: There is plenty of room for me at the table

Steps to overcoming this lie: 

  • Acknowledge it’s a lie and move forward

  • Remember, no one else is YOU

  • Show up as yourself, with your own story, unapologetically, and stop looking around

  • Think abundance--begin cheering for the success of others

  • Quit being selfish by holding on to your gift out of fear and share with those who are waiting for it

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Continue to look ahead, stay focused, and stay on YOUR path

-- Your story is like no other. It is unique.

-- Stop comparing yourself to what other people are doing and believe that there is plenty of room of the table for you

-- Your business is as healthy as your mindset

For more on this topic check out Chapter 10 in my new book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Join me in my group The Confident Ladies Club where we are running a 12-week book club. It’s not too late to sign up! Each week we are going over a Chapter of my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success. We also have an option to Host Your Own book club where you grab your gal pals and I supply you with all the tools you need to have a successful book club! You can find out more information on both of the book club options and sign up by going here!

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Episode #70: The Top Four Beliefs to Ditch in Order to Step into Greatness (Part Three)

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The Lie: The fear of success

The Truth: I can handle what I’ve been given in this moment

Steps to overcoming this lie: 

  • Visualize what the true story (reality) will look like when the success comes

  • Stop blocking yourself from stepping into the success that’s possible by focusing on what’s out of your hands

  • Find past reminders where you’ve achieved success for future reminders of how you CAN handle the success

Words of Wisdom: 

-- I can handle what’s going on in this moment and I will figure out how to handle what is coming in the next moment.

-- The success you’ve reached today is because of the beliefs and actions of a former version of yourself 

-- Success doesn’t happen overnight

-- The more success we reach, the more resources are available to continue cultivating the success

-- When you’ve done it in the past you can do it in the future 

— The more success you have, the bigger impact you can make 

For more on this topic check out Chapter 12 in my new book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Past Episode Mentioned:

Join me in my group The Confident Ladies Club where we are running a 12-week book club. It’s not too late to sign up! Each week we are going over a Chapter of my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success. We also have an option to Host Your Own book club where you grab your gal pals and I supply you with all the tools you need to have a successful book club! You can find out more information on both of the book club options and sign up by going here!

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Episode #69: How to Think Like a Boss When Life is Caving In

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Ways you can Think Like a Boss during uncertainty:

  • Don’t panic—breatheeee

  • Look at the big picture of business and life

  • Embrace the time to slow down

  • Check the facts around you 

  • Do a deep dive of your business

  • Get creative

Words of Wisdom: 

-- “Look at the bigger picture of life”

-- “We are all in this together”

Join me in my group The Confident Ladies Club where we are running a 12-week book club. It’s not too late to sign up! Each week we are going over a Chapter of my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success. We also have an option to Host Your Own book club where you grab your gal pals and I supply you with all the tools you need to have a successful book club! You can find out more information on both of the book club options and sign up by going here!

Connect with Kate!

Episode #68: Part Two of the Four Beliefs to Ditch in Order to Step Into Greatness

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The Lie: I don’t feel ready to move ahead or to get started on my next goal

The Truth: Today is the most ready I will ever be

Steps to overcoming this lie: 

  • What does feeling ready even mean? No one really knows!

  • Sit down and think about: Am I truly not ready or is what I am trying to do actually out of alignment?

  • Understand that the circumstances will never be ideal. 

  • If you are in alignment but you still don’t feel ready… just say YES and figure it out after! 

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Accept that no one has cracked the code to feeling ready

-- Circumstances will never be ideal

-- Just say yes and figure it out after

-- What are you waiting for? What is the sign you are looking for?

For more on this topic check out Chapter 2 in my new book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Join me in my group The Confident Ladies Club where we are running a 12-week book club. It’s not too late to sign up! Each week we are going over a Chapter of my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success. We also have an option to Host Your Own book club where you grab your gal pals and I supply you with all the tools you need to have a successful book club! You can find out more information on both of the book club options and sign up by going here!

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #67: The Top Four Beliefs to Ditch in Order to Step Into Greatness (Part One)

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The Lie: We need our friends and family to understand in order to be successful

The Truth: No one will believe in my dreams to the extent that I do -- and I don’t need them to in order to be successful

Steps to overcoming this lie: 

  • No one has walked in your exact steps so you can’t expect them to understand. I can still move forward without them understanding. 

  • Try to educate your friends and family on what you do. It might help them to understand better what it is you do. 

  • No one is going to believe in your dreams as much as you do. Once you accept this, you will be able to move forward.

  • Quit pouring energy into why people don’t understand and pour it into your dream instead.

  • Surround yourself with a community of people that are striving and a few steps ahead of you. 

Words of Wisdom: 

-- There is always more growth, there is always more possibility and we are never done learning.

-- This is not about friends or family -- this is about my mission and my dream.

-- You are the only one that needs to believe in your dreams. When you have a dream in your heart you don’t need the validation of others to believe in your dreams.

-- You don’t need the validation of others. You need to believe in your dream yourself and just move forward. 

-- Surround yourself with positivity.

For more on this topic check out Chapter 8 in my new book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Join me in my group The Confident Ladies Club where we are running a 12-week book club. It’s not too late to sign up! Each week we are going over a Chapter of my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success. We also have an option to Host Your Own book club where you grab your gal pals and I supply you with all the tools you need to have a successful book club! You can find out more information on both of the book club options and sign up by going here!

Connect with Kate!

Episode #66: Thinking Like a Boss LIVE

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This week on the podcast we invite you to come inside the Thinking Like a Boss launch party. We are bringing the party to YOU! Come listen as Kate shares from her heart how the Thinking Like a Boss Book was born, the hardest chapter to write, and you might be shocked by which is her favorite chapter! Also, hear from a panel of boss babes: Alexandria Gilleo, Kelsey Chapman, Sarah Marandi-Steeves, and Leslie Tracey, as they share how they overcame their biggest lie in business and tips for others that may be facing the same lie. 

“The lies keeping us from success tell us we need to have it all together, we need to be 100% ready to start and that we need all the time and all the support in the world to make it happen. Thankfully, it doesn't have to be this way. Mindset shifts don't have to be complicated, they don't have to be messy and with simple steps change is possible. When we’re set free from the limited thinking we are empowered to move into our deeply held dreams and desires. That's what Thinking Like a Boss is all about.. It's a mindset -- taking simple steps and seeing simple change.” - Kate Crocco

In this Episode: 

  • Listen to how Thinking Like a Boss Book was born

  • The hardest chapter for Kate to write

  • Kate’s {shocking} favorite chapter to write

  • I dropped out of highschool - Alex Gilleo

  • I lost my multiple six-figure business overnight- Kelsey Chapman

  • I can’t charge as a therapist - Sarah Marandi - Steeves

  • I need to be an independent woman- Leslie Tracey

  • Hear Kate read the final chapter of the book!

Words of Wisdom: 

-- “The only person who could change that lie was myself. I really had to believe in myself and believe I could overcome any obstacle thrown my way.” - Alex Gilleo

-- “Take the next right step in front of you. Say yes and do it scared.” - Kelsey Chapman

-- “You can help other people and still make an income.” - Sarah Marandi - Steeves

-- “Get a mentor and have something of value to give back to them.” - Leslie Tracey

Connect with the Panelist!

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Episode #65: Divya Gugnani

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Divya Gugnani brings 20 years of investment and entrepreneurial experience to her role as CEO and Co-founder of Wander Beauty, a company focused on multitasking beauty essentials created with global inspiration. Launched in 2015 Wander Beauty has proven to be one of the fastest emerging brands in the country, with over 14 highly prestigious beauty awards under their belt, plus a loyal following of A-list celebrities, top journalists and notable beauty and style influencers. Prior to that, Divya co-founded Send the Trend, an e-commerce site focused on personalized fashion and beauty, and sold it to QVC, where she focused on digital innovation. She is a serial entrepreneur and has co-founded multiple companies.

Divya started her business career in Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs and then moved on to private equity and venture capital at Investcorp International and FirstMark Capital. Divya is a self- proclaimed startup junkie, a food and fashion lover, as well as a beauty experimenter. She has appeared regularly on several shows on CNBC, NBC and MSNBC. She has also been featured in The New York Times, Vanity Fair, BusinessWeek, TIME Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, The Deal, and Crain’s, among several other publications.

Divya has contributed to The Huffington Post, TODAYshow.com, Daily Beast, The Nest Magazine and Woman’s World. She is the author of the book ​Sexy Women Eat: Secrets to Eating What You Want and Still Looking Fabulous,​ published by HarperCollins. In addition to a B.S. from Cornell University and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School, Divya attended the French Culinary Institute.

In this episode, Kate & Kelsey chat with Divya about being a brand purist, having a singular focus to create something unique and special, and creating a brand community. 


In this Episode: 

  • The importance of only creating a brand if the brand is genuinely meeting needs today

  • Focusing on one thing and doing that one thing well

  • Creating a community-focused brand

  • Celebrating your imperfect-ness

Words of Wisdom: 

-- “All great things begin in the living room” 

-- “I want to be something to someone, not everything to everybody”

-- “Being real is more important than being perfect” 

-- “Be genuine and be you”

Connect with Divya!

Connect with Kelsey! 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #64: Michelle Cordeiro Grant

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LIVELY is inspired by what we believe makes women sexy today; smart, healthy, active and outgoing. We are delivering bras and undies that blur the aesthetic lines of lingerie, active, and swim, taking the best elements of high-style and comfort from each category. We are establishing an entirely new category and POV of lingerie, a movement that we call Leisurée.

In this episode, Kate & Kelsey chat with Michelle about learning the power of a brand, leaving behind an impact and legacy, and pivoting business as social media and digital marketing expand. 

In this Episode: 

  • Learning the power of a brand 

  • Leaving an impact and legacy 

  • Growing a brand through building a community first

  • Pivoting business as social media and digital marketing expand 

Words of Wisdom: 

-- “We should build something for our daughters that embraces the positive side of what social media can be instead of the negatives”

-- “I want her to enter this world knowing that her human uniqueness is her superpower and if she can embrace that from day one she is going to have a beyond fulfilling life” 

-- “Building a community takes a relentless degree of discipline and commitment”

-- “When they support us and we support them the impressions are explosive”

Connect with Michelle!

Connect with Kelsey! 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #63: Kelly Barker

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Kelly Barker is the founder of PREP Your Skin, a beauty company that uses clean ingredients to make perfectly giftable beauty products at a modest price. 

 Kelly left her big corporate job at JP Morgan Chase nearly 6 years ago to become an entrepreneur...and little did she know how much of a journey entrepreneurship would be and all that she would learn. Kelly is the mom to 2 kiddos, and she's nearly an expert on how to compartmentalize and focus on the audience and/or task at hand. She has zero tolerance for mom guilt as she does not allow it to enter her mind!

 PREP's clean beauty collection can be found in Target stores nationwide (next to the loofahs in the bath section!). 

In this episode, Kate & Kelsey chat with Kelly about taking the leap into entrepreneurship and the challenges of starting a brand from scratch, taking advantage of the opportunities presented at the time, making sacrifices to chase after your dreams and tips for tackling mom guilt. 

In this Episode: 

  • Feel trapped in her corporate job and taking the leap into entrepreneurship

  • The journey from having a corporate job to opening a store-front shop in the mall

  • Taking advantage of the opportunities presented 

  • Using your corporate job to fund your dream

  • Balancing motherhood while building a business

Words of Wisdom: 

-- “The very worst thing that could happen was having to go back to my corporate job if my idea failed” 

-- “If you are given an opportunity you have to execute to the plan” 

-- “Lose the mom guilt”

-- “Choose your best yes! Time is our one limited resource”

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Connect with Kelsey! 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #62: Ann Crady Weiss

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Ann Crady Weiss, CEO of Hatch, previously founded Maya’s Mom, a social networking site for mothers. After Maya’s Mom was acquired by Johnson & Johnson, she served as the SVP of Consumer Experience for BabyCenter. She met her husband and Hatch co-founder, Dave Weiss, at BabyCenter where the two of them ran the product, engineering, editorial, design, community and marketing teams. Now Ann and Dave Weiss lead Hatch headquartered in Menlo Park, working alongside a team of experts to develop products and services that help families get the sleep they need. Recently, Hatch turned their attention to helping adults sleep more soundly with the launch of their new product Restore. This sleep aid device is filling a gap within the adult sleep industry and features proven techniques that help the user get a full night of restorative sleep and wake up more naturally. 

In this episode, Kate & Kelsey chat with Ann about the driving force behind the products of Hatch, the importance of sleep for the whole family, and Ann’s top mindset and marketing tip. 

In this Episode: 

  • Using her personal needs as a mother to create products that meet the needs of other new moms and babies

  • Using a device to help create good habits associated with sleep 

  • Believing in yourself in order to be the best CEO possible

  • Focusing on the value of your product or service and how what you offer is different from others

Words of Wisdom: 

-- “Sleep problems are taught by bad habits”

-- “We are truly helping more families to get healthier sleep”

-- “I have the skills I need to make the call” 

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Connect with Kelsey! 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #61: Ahyiana Angel

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Ahyiana Angel is the Founder of Mayzie Media, a podcast network with content curated for women, and host of the personal growth podcast Switch, Pivot or Quit. A traditionally published author, Ahyiana is a seasoned executor who eventually blocked out the world’s ideas of success, quit her highly coveted position at the NBA, moved to London and traveled the world for a stint, then followed her passion in writing to find her purpose in encouragement through podcasting. Her new book Quit Playing Small is a highly buzzed about must-have for morning routines. Ahyiana and her work have been featured by Forbes, Black Enterprise, The Muse, Career Contessa, Create & Cultivate and more. The Switch, Pivot or Quit Podcast is listed among Apple’s podcasts “Bold Women” and “Inspiring Women” collections and has also been featured by girlboss.com, “The 6 Best Podcasts To Listen To For Career Advice” as well as entrepreneur.com, “12 Women-Run Podcasts You Should Be Listening To.” 

In today’s episode, Kate & Kelsey chat with Ahyiana about pivoting in business, building an audience and serving them authentically by setting healthy boundaries.

In this Episode: 

  • When transitioning from one endeavor to another make a list of your skill sets as a person and executor

  • The importance of lesson learned in corporate jobs

  • Advice on where to start when wanting to write a book

  • Set boundaries. You don’t owe anyone anything

Words of Wisdom: 

-- “Build an audience that will actually want to hear what you have to say” 

-- “Don’t do something before you are ready just to say that you did it”

-- “It is okay to require someone to pay for your time or require someone to respect your time”

Connect with Ahyiana Angel!

Connect with Kelsey! 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #60: Luscious Hustle

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Betsy Milne & Laura Milne, are transformational business and branding coaches on a mission to empower women with the tools and motivation needed to turn a spark of an idea into full-fledged businesses and sought-after brands.

Born from the ashes of burnout, Luscious Hustle was created to redefine what it means to "hustle" as an online entrepreneur. In less than a year, they harnessed their passion to build a six-figure business that supported the lifestyle and time- freedom they craved.

Through their signature courses and high-touch coaching programs, Betsy & Laura teach women how to monetize and manifest their dream business and luscious life through proven business strategies and spiritual support.

In today’s episode, Kate & Kelsey chat with Betsy & Laura about redefining the masculine energy in business & finding your divine feminine, redefining the language of online business, and using the phases of the moon in business. 

In this Episode: 

  • Redefining the masculine energy in business & finding your divine feminine

  • Redefining words in the online space to become more feminine

  • Using the phases of the moon to have structure in business

Words of Wisdom: 

-- “You can sell from the feminine but it’s from the divine feminine”

-- “Lean into the thing that is uncomfortable. Lean into the pain in the moment”

-- “You have to be open about where you are at and what you are doing”

Connect with Luscious Hustle!

Connect with Kelsey! 

Connect with Kate!

Episode #59: Amber Lilyestrom

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Amber Lilyestrom is a branding strategist, business performance coach and speaker to empower women to position themselves as sought-after experts and thought leaders in their niche through social media, engagement marketing and the creation of an online brand presence. She’s worked with thousands of women, building a multiple six-figure business from home while being present for her daughter every day and recently retiring her husband from his 11-year police career to welcome him to the business.

Amber has been featured in countless podcasts, articles and interviews sharing her soul inspired approach to life and business. She is the host of The Amber Lilyestrom Show Podcast and founder of the Brand + Biz Academy.

In this episode, Kate & Kelsey chat with Amber about finding your way on this journey of life and getting into alignment in your business. Join us in the conversation because you are not alone. 

In this Episode: 

  • Finding your way in business

  • Getting into alignment

Words of Wisdom: 

-- “The problem you think you have is not actually the problem you have”

-- “Stop making yourself wrong in the desire to want more and create differently”

-- “Let’s fully commit to living our lives in the most aligned way possible”

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Episode #58: Arielle Estoria

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Arielle ​Estoria is Spoken Word Poet, Author, Speaker, Dance Party Event Emcee, Model and Actress. Her motto of "Words not for the ears but for the soul" stems from her dedication to remind her audience that words are meant to be felt and not just heard. Arielle’s first EP, a collection of music and poetry called Symphony of a Lioness is now available on iTunes or Apple Music. She is Co-author of two self published collections of poetry: Vagabonds and Zealots (2014) and Write Bloody Spill Pretty (2017) which can both be found on Amazon.com. She is made of sass and good intentions, has a deep love for car karaoke, brunch and flowers. 

In the episode, Kate & Kelsey talk with Arielle about finding her way in her career, what rejection teaches you and building your confidence. Join us in the conversation because you are not alone. 

In this Episode: 

  • Paving the way to create a career that worked for her

  • What rejection teaches you

  • And building your confidence

Words of Wisdom: 

-- "You have to be willing to look a little crazy, you have to be willing to take the risk that no one will understand and you have to know that you are made for nothing else"

-- “Rejection teaches you that you have somewhere else to grow”

-- “You have to be willing to let those doors close in order to see what else can open”

Connect with Arielle!

Connect with Kelsey!

Connect with Kate!

Episode #56: Holiday BONUS with Kate: Most Requested Episode--How I Wrote My Book

Episode #56: Holiday BONUS with Kate: Most Requested Episode--How I Wrote My Book

This week on Thinking Like A Boss Podcast we have a Holiday BONUS episode for you featuring Kate! In this episode, Kate tells about the journey of birthing her book baby. She starts at the very beginning when a book was just an idea and shares how it grew into her book Thinking Like A Boss: Uncover and overcomes the lies holding you back from success launching February 18, 2020.