When there isn't enough time

Happy Tuesday Confident Lady,

This week we had an amazing guest on the podcast, Courtney Elmer who spoke about overcoming the fear of "needing to work harder". Today I want to briefly dive into this lie with you, specifically around the guilt that comes with unplugging from your business. So many of us have felt this way at one point or another.

Here is my word of wisdom for you ---> In order to thrive, your business needs you to unplug

I don't like to admit this, but in the early stages of my business I started to lose site of LIVING LIFE and was pretty immersed in my business. I got to a point where I could no longer unplug and FULLY be present to enjoy myself due to anxiety regarding what I might missing out on.

I would tell myself "What if I miss that email and that client decides to work with someone else?"

Holy guacamoleโ€” so SAD to be in that mindset of SCARCITY.

I wanted so badly to be in control of my business that I pretty much lost control of everything else around me. I know that you want that dream business, but you also want to still have a life, right? You don't want to wake up one day and say, "Wow, where did the time go? How did she grow up so fast? How did I miss those signs that my husband was dealing with something? Why didn't my father tell me he was sick?"

Where are you at today? 

Here are a few questions for you to reflect on:

  1. What does my weekly schedule look like...... work VS play?

  2. Do I allow myself to unplug from the demands of my business?

  3. When I unplug, do I allow myself to stay in ABUNDANCE MINDSET or do I fall down the slippery slope of scarcity?

  4. Where is your mindset today?

Are you in SCARCITY mode 24/7 OR are you able to be fully present for yourself and others while knowing that ABUNDANCE is unfolding even when you are not present?

I want to see you experience abundance mindset while you unplug in your business. I not only know how to change these thoughts because of my many years of psychotherapy training, but also because I am HUMAN and have been there before. If this post resonated today, comment below and share with me! If think you might be ready to get some support with this, shoot an email to me at kate@katecrocco.com and we will chat about some ways I can support you in getting into a more abundant mindset in your business.

And catch Courtney's episode all on this topic over on the Podcast HERE!

Blessings + Abundance,

XO Kate